Living with Intention

This week in my private facebook group, we discussed how to make summer work, so that it feels enjoyable instead of an extra burden. There were some great tips on how to manage work, kids, and home all at the same time. What it all comes down to is making your summer choices intentional. 

How do you want your summer to feel? Heck, how do you want your whole life to feel? What steps do you need to take to make that happen?

office with vision board.JPG

At the start of the year, I created a vision board that helps me focus on all of the things I want to intentionally bring into my life. I wanted my year to feel peaceful and authentic. I wanted to be the real me, all the time. As decisions come up about what to do for summer (or really anything), I can quickly ask myself - does that move me toward or away from my vision?

My vision guidelines are basically these three, and then the balance between them.

  1. For my work, I want to have a successful business helping people become their best selves. I want to love my job (I do!) and feel zero "mom guilt" when I'm working (I don't!). I want to plan my job around my life and not vice versa.

  2. I want to spend time with my children, my family and the rest of "my people" and really BE with them by being present.

  3. I want to take care of myself by reading, meditating, praying and other things that fill up my soul.

Sharing my vision board feels very personal but I'm doing it anyway! (Fear can ride in the backseat, but it doesn't drive the bus! I say this to clients all the time and therefore hold myself firmly to this same standard.)

My vision board hangs in my office where I can see it every day from my desk. Here are some examples of things that have come to fruition since I created my vision. Of course these are due to me taking action steps toward them, they didn't magically appear - for the most part, anyway!

2018 Vision Board final.png


  • I have always thought meditation would be great for me, but I was terrible at it and never stuck with it long it enough to improve. But I wanted to! This year, I have meditated almost every single day. Sometimes for 5 minutes, sometimes 3 times in one day, but I'm doing it!

  • It's really important to me to have downtime with my kids. The other day I realized the picture on my vision board was very close to an actual scene in my front yard the other night. Kids rolling around in the grass laughing and having fun. Except there was also a puppy in real scene! Thanks, Universe, for the upgrade to my vision :)

  • I also had an intention to spend time with my "tribe" - my inner circle friends and family. About two weeks ago I was sitting at a restaurant with 10 of my favorite people, laughing and enjoying each other's company, and I thought - wow this is it! It's really happening.


And those are just a few of the things I've seen materialize from creating a vision. I'm waiting to see when that beautiful white kitchen will show up, and I can't wait to see how the trip to Scandinavia materializes. **As a side note, if you are reading this in Sweden and would like some in-person life coaching, or a speaker for an event,  I'm your girl!**

So ponder this my friends, are you living life or is life living you? 

I can help you decide how you want your future to feel, help you create a vision, and set out the steps to get there. If you are ready to start living with intention, I would LOVE to help!