Ways to work with me . . .


Group Coaching

The Good Life . . . a three-month coaching program for women who are sick of feeling stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted.

Ready to stop waking up every morning with that “I can’t get it all done” dread?

Want to actually be present with your family, instead of just “real quick” checking your work emails while your kids are talking to you?

Dream of reaching that elusive “balance” you keep hearing about?

This is the place.

I’ve been helping driven, successful women create a calmer, more balanced life since 2017, and I’d love to help you do the same.

In this program, you’ll receive: 

📲 12 WEEKLY VIDEOS & EXERCISES  Think “tell me everything I need to know to completely change my life” but in bite size pieces. Each week you’ll receive a video + exercises so you can apply what you’ve learned directly to your life. 

📲 12 LIVE HOT-SEAT COACHING CALLS (60 min, 1x/week) You can ask me literally anything - from “so what’s the second step to creating a boundary?” to “I tried so say no, but I said yes instead, what do I do now?” You’ll benefit from your coaching AND the coaching of the other group members. 

📲 A PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP for connection, inspiration & celebration in between calls. Together we will create a beautiful place of support, fun and encouragement. 

📲 BONUS: A beautiful workbook and welcome gift. The workbook will be an outline of the entire program. As you receive and watch the weekly videos and coaching, you will update your pages. At the end, you’ll have a full journal that shows your transformation - that you can keep forever.  

All the stress, overwhelm, exhaustion and self doubt you used to feel around balancing your career and the rest of your life? GONE. 

The investment for this program is $2000. Get on the waitlist now, and you’ll be the first to be notified when registration opens.

1-on-1 coaching

A hectic, crazy-busy life is a choice.

Often, I hear things like this from my new clients:  

“I feel like I should be grateful for the life I have - I have everything I’ve ever wanted - but my life just doesn’t feel good.” 

“I am so busy, but I just don’t know how to say no.” 

“I spend so much of my energy managing the toxic relationship with my {boss, daughter, spouse, brother, mother-in-law} that I can’t enjoy anything.”

“My life is overwhelming and I’m exhausted, but I don’t know how to make it stop.” 

If this sounds like you, I have good news. This problem is totally fixable. 

In my private coaching program, I will guide you through a straightforward process to take your life from chaos to calm. In our 6 months together, we will meet once a week and work through the simple process, which includes:

  1. Pause. We will discover the cause of the overwhelm: Your work? Your fear? Money? A toxic relationship? Circumstances never cause overwhelm. It’s your own thoughts that do. We’ll pause and find out exactly what those thoughts are.

  2. Focus. We start with the biggest problem area first. We brainstorm solutions to solve your overwhelm based on what is in your control, which are your own thoughts and your own actions. Everyone else and everything else is, and will forever remain, out of your control.

  3. Practice.  Just like any new skill, living an intentional and calm life takes practice. We’ll create and implement the new thoughts and new habits you’ll use going forward until they become your default. 

Ahhhhhh. By the time our time together ends, you will feel spacious instead of jam packed, intentional instead of reactive, and relaxed instead of frantic.

You’ll have new skills that will allow you to keep this new mindset for the rest of your life. People will ask you why you seem so different, so peaceful. The investment for this 6 month program is $6000.

The first step is to set up a time to talk with me. Head over here to learn more and pick a time that works to chat.

Want to see real client stories? Check out how these clients changed their lives.


Looking for a workshop for your group?

If you’re looking for an engaging and fun workshop for your work team or an event, I can help. I offer the following one-hour workshops on zoom or in person. Any of these can be customized to suit your group.

Signature Workshops

How to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed. When life comes at you faster than you can process it, you feel overwhelmed. When you feel overwhelmed, your brain starts to spin and you can’t think clearly. In this workshop, you will learn how to recognize when you are feeling overwhelmed, and the steps to take to move forward. I will cover topics such as saying no, setting boundaries, and asking for what you need. When you learn to get out of overwhelm, you can enjoy a more calm, productive life.

Mindfulness: Your Secret Weapon to Solve Any Problem. Often, we try to solve problems by taking immediate action. In this workshop, you will learn how to start with mindfulness and intention. You’ll learn to notice what you’re thinking, and let go of unhelpful thoughts. You’ll learn to stop focusing on what is NOT in your control. Then, you’ll learn to take intentional action. This workshop will help your group learn to solve problems more quickly and easily.

How to Create Boundaries - without Guilt. It’s human nature to want to be liked. This leads to you to say “yes” when you actually want to say no. In this workshop, you will learn what a boundary is, and how to create and implement one - without feeling guilty. Having solid boundaries creates a calm, balanced life.

Create Your Best Year.  In this workshop, you will learn to set goals in a new way. First, we’ll focus and celebrate what is already working, which is more than you think. Then, we’ll look at what needs to change. You’ll evaluate all areas of your life - work, home, self care, friendships and any other areas of life that are important to you. We will set small actionable goals based on how you want to feel. When you have a clear set of actionable steps to take, you’re much more likely to reach your goals in every area of life.

How to find out more

Send me an email or set up a time to talk about what your group is looking for. I look forward to meeting you!