Planning an Ideal Week


By now you’ve kicked off your new year and are either adjusting to a new routine or getting re-adjusted to an old one.

I’ve got a planning tip to help you make sure that every week contains what you want and need. Instead of filling your calendar with only the to-dos and calendar requests from other people, this tip will put YOU in charge of your schedule and time. This is SO important, because . . .

How you choose to spend your time defines your life

Only you can say yes or no to what ends up on your schedule. So, try this tip for planning an ideal week, and then work your actual weeks in using the ideal week as a goal or aspiration.

Let me show you what I mean. I’ll also include a link for you to download a free copy of a blank ideal week (two, in fact, just on the off chance you don’t love pink).  

ideal week.jpeg

This is an example of an ideal week. You’ll see it doesn’t have actual appointments but chunks of time (the technical term!) for categories of activities. Planning your ideal week in this way will make sure you hold a space for what you need. It can help you realistically plan when you can say “yes” or if you need to say “no.”

It’s not a hard and and fast rule. It’s an aspiration, a guideline of sorts. Add your blocks of time and then, if you like, make each type a certain color. If you see the example below, everything in pink are things that give me energy or feel like self care. I do a quick “pink check” on my week to make sure I’m taking care of myself so that I can do all of the blue, green, and purples!

I’d love to see photos of what you create. Please reach out to me with any questions, I’d love to help. Here’s the link to grab the template!

PS Robert Browning said "Our aspirations are our possibilities." Pretty sure he wasn't talking about Ideal Week Planning, but if you aspire to it, it becomes a much bigger possibility than if you don't! Give it a try.