Money Talks. Especially in our own head

When it comes to money, there’s a statement I often hear. Sometimes even in my own head. It usually sounds something like this:

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“There’s no way I’d ever have enough money to quit my job, take that dream vacation, move to another city, invest in myself, start a business, {insert your dream here}” 

Let ask you a few questions about money. 

  • Does money come to you easily? 

  • Do you feel guilty about having a lot of money, or if you currently don’t, would you feel guilty about having a lot of money? 

  • What’s the most money you think you could make in a year? 

  • What did your parents teach you about money (either with words or actions)? 

Let’s just say your answers to the above are: 

  • No, money doesn’t come to me easily. I always have to work hard for my money. 

  • I don’t have a lot of money but I feel guilty when I have more than other people. 

  • There’s no way I could make more than $75,000 per year. 

  • My parents taught me that money is fleeting and could suddenly be gone, so it’s best to never spend it, always worry about it, and save it for a “rainy day.” 

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All of those statements above are JUST THOUGHTS. And we know we can’t control the thoughts that come into our heads, but we can control if we believe them. If we believe those to be true, they are true. If we believe them to be false, they are false. 

If you believe money is hard to come by, it will be. 

If you believe you can’t make more than X per year, you won’t. 

If you choose to make your make your parents’ money story your money story, it will come true. 

What if you believed that money is abundant, and that there is enough for everyone? What if you believed that you can make as much as you want? How would that change your life?

If your thoughts about money are limiting you, set up a free hour with me. I can help you change those thoughts and change your life.