You Are the Boss

When I was about 13, I got an idea that I wanted to get an asymmetrical haircut. Does anyone remember that beautiful style? This isn’t me, but I found this gorgeous pic on the internet so you can understand the look I was going for.


Wouldn’t that have been fabulous!? Turns out when I brought this proposal to my mom she basically said: “No way, that hair is ridiculous, you aren’t getting that cut, end of story.” 

My mom was all business and arguing with her was pretty much pointless, but I dd shout “YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF MY HAIR!” and stomped off in a huff. Obviously, since I had to find an internet pic of the cut, you can rest assured that she was indeed the boss of my hair. 

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But she’s not the boss of me now! My mom is awesome, and I ask her advice all the time and aspire to be like her, so that’s not a slight. It’s just a reminder that, people, YOU are the boss of you. 

Often we blame our troubles on what someone else is doing. OR, we listen to our own negative thoughts and let those be our boss. Stop it!  

For example: 

“There’s no way I could tell my friends my true feelings on that subject.” Boss = friends, or your perception of friends’ potential reaction. 

“I don’t think I’m qualified for the job based on the way the recruiter replied to my email.” Boss = recruiter or your interpretation of recruiters email. 

“My kids won’t let me get rid of anything.” Boss = kids or your beliefs on what kids will think. 

“My husband will be mad if I go on a girls weekend and leave him with all of the responsibility, so I can’t go even though I really want to.” Boss = husband or your thoughts on what your husband might say. (Yes, I know you are probably now thinking, well it has to be a partnership! I can’t just do whatever I want! But you CAN express your true feelings and make sure it is a partnership.) 

You are the one and only boss of you. Think about who is really stopping you from doing the things you want to do. More often than not, it’s YOU. The good news there is this - you can change your own mind! 

So go for that job! Get a ridiculous haircut! Declutter your house! Change your life! 

You are the boss of you and that’s final. 

PS This was the hair I had instead, which is clearly a much better choice. OMG!!! 

michelle hair.jpg

PPS I’m publishing this blog post from somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean as I’m on my way to WATCH THE US WIN THE WORLD CUP!!! USA! USA! USA!

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