Short & Sweet Book Review: The Miracle Morning

After a hectic morning, I realized I could have prevented all of the chaos if I had followed The Miracle Morning routine this morning. Therefore, today’s book review is just that!

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Title: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod  

One Sentence Summary

This book provides a 6-step morning routine to start your day off right and set you up for success. 

You Should Read This If

You are looking for a way to focus on self-development and your mornings currently feel rushed or out of control.  

Favorite Quote 

“Every goal we have is preceded by a process. The secret to success is to be committed to the daily process, without being emotionally attached to your results.  You should absolutely be emotionally engaged in your goals, but not emotionally attached. What’s the difference? When you are emotionally engaged, you create excitement & enthusiasm for the possibility of achieving your goals, but when you are emotionally attached you create fear & pain that you might not.”

Most Helpful Takeaway

The SAVERS process described in the book (silence, affirmations, visualization, exercise, reading, and scribing/journaling) covers all of the needed mindset work for your setting up your day. You don’t have to do all of it every day to see improvements.