If Mama Ain't Happy...

Let’s face it, moms rule the roost. If you are stressed, impatient and annoyed, the whole family feels it. Even when you are wearing your half-listening-fake-smile face, your energy tells the truth.  

Ever notice how content and calm your entire family is when you feel content and calm? That is not a fluke. 

When your family is calm and content, they take that energy wherever they go. Think of it like a good version of the dreaded coronavirus. Everywhere you go with that peaceful energy, it spreads. Every person you come in contact with gets a piece of it, even if just for a moment. 

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What I’m saying here, Moms, is that we have tremendous influence on not only ourselves, but our family and beyond. 

If your first thought is “sounds nice, but that’s pretty much impossible, you have no idea what my life is like” - that’s ok. 

First, I probably DO know what your life is like. Second, you ALWAYS have the option to have a more calm and peaceful life. The key is to get it for yourself

External circumstances will not give you a calm and peaceful life. Your kids getting older won’t solve it. A new job won’t fix it. Less activities won’t make it disappear. Only YOU can solve it. 

If you don’t address what’s making you feel overwhelmed in the first place, it will keep showing up. 
There is no better gift you can give yourself, or your family, than to have a calm and peaceful life. Set up a chat with me to find out more about my 90 Days to Calm program. We’ll spend 12 weeks working together to take your life from chaos to calm.

PS If you want to change, do it for you. But this is some of the “collateral goodness” that comes from coaching. My clients tell me things like: 

“My husband and I get along so much better now. I think I’m easier to live with! He said to tell you thanks.” 

“My kids said this has been the best day ever, thank you for teaching me to be present with them”  

“Your coaching taught me to say no to other things so I can say yes to what matters. Thank you for improving my relationship with my kids and partner.”