Time Saving Tip

Let's say you *think* your mom is mad at you. She didn't say she was mad, but she seems like it.

You could:

  • Think about what you might have done to make your mom maybe mad, and worry about who she might tell about what you have maybe done. Try to fix what you might have done or talk to a bunch of other people about the fact that she's maybe mad.

Or, you could:

  • Remind yourself that what your mom (and everyone else on earth) is thinking is out of your control, and really none of your business.

  • Get busy doing something else - like working or connecting with your family or watching TV.

  • Remind yourself that your thoughts and actions are in your control, and call your mom ask her "are you mad?"

Friends, we do not have time to be worrying about what someone else is maybe thinking. Quit it.

PS As my favorite country singer Kasey Musgraves says "Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy".

PPS If you have a tendency to mind everyone else's biscuits and it's making you feel miserable, reach out to me for a discovery session. I can help you change your thinking so you feel relaxed and focused.

Michelle Gauthier