Buffers, Band-Aids and Bashing

When you’re overwhelmed, you’ll do just about anything to feel better. How many of these have you tried? 

Band-aids - Taking action that makes you feel better, but only in the short term. For example: 

  • Staying up until midnight to reply to every email in your inbox (only to find your inbox filled with replies by 9 am) 

  • Dedicating an entire Saturday to washing and folding 8 loads of laundry (only to find it a mess of half-folded/half-torn apart clean laundry in your kids’ bedrooms a day later. Why don’t they ever put it away?) 

Buffers - Doing something that doesn’t address the problem of overwhelm at all, but does temporarily distract your mind from it. 

  • Over drinking

  • Netflix Binging 

  • Online shopping 

  • Social media scrolling 

Bashing - Attempting to shame yourself into action, saying things to yourself like: 

  • Everyone else can handle this just fine, why can’t I get it together? 

  • When my kids schedules (or a work project, or moving) is over, I’ll finally be a calm, organized mom

It doesn’t matter how many of these you try, how many times, they never permanently solve overwhelm. 

I can teach you a simple 4 step process that you can use anytime you feel overwhelmed. You’ll learn that you can create a calm life for yourself, on demand. I’ll show you exactly how. 

The first step is to set up a discovery session with me.Here’s a link to my calendar to set up an hour. On that call, you'll tell me where you are now, and where you want to be. I'll give you a high level custom coaching plan to explain how to meet your goals. Together we’ll decide if we’re a good fit. Let’s do it!

Michelle Gauthier