Calm Holidays: Tip #1

CALM HOLIDAY TIP #1: Acknowledge how much you do. Know which things are most and least important to you.

You know all of the small things you do for your family that are necessary, but go unnoticed (unless you forget to do them)? Those millions of little details are called “The Invisible Workload of Motherhood”

Making dinner is visible. Coming up with meal ideas based on who likes what, ordering the groceries, and remembering to take the meat out of the freezer in the morning - invisible.

Driving your kids to school is visible. Knowing that one child likes to snuggle and chat in the morning, likes to eat breakfast right away, and needs a reminder to pack lunch - invisible. Knowing the other child doesn’t like to talk for 30 minutes after waking, has probably forgotten to charge the chromebook, and will only eat breakfast right before leaving - also invisible.

The holiday season is chock full of invisible workload. Planning holiday menus, remembering all of the school activities and teacher gifts, thinking of thoughtful present ideas for everyone on the list, knowing where the holiday decorations are stored, making sure there is enough wrapping paper . . . the list goes on.

So today, I want you to pat yourself on the back for doing your best and juggling all of the expectations of this season. Good job, you! Then I want you to answer these 2 questions.

1. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Something that you wouldn’t want to skip even if it’s a lot of work. (Mine is getting matching pajamas, even for the dog this year, and decorating the house.)

2. What’s your least favorite? What would you skip if you could? (I could entirely do without Christmas stockings - I don’t want to buy 18 more small useless gifts! Also, we could just cancel new years eve and go to bed at 9 as far as I’m concerned.)

And for bonus points - what would happen if you just cancelled your answer to question 2? For example if you just didn’t do stockings, or made no plans for new years? Think through it and let me know what you think

PS If you want to get in on the fun, join my email list. You'll get a Calm Holiday Tip every Tuesday and Thursday all month. When you reply and tell me how you'll apply the tip, I'll add your name to the weekly drawing. Go to and click "subscribe to my emails" at the top of the page. This week's prize is a $100 Amazon gift card.

Want to see more holiday tips? View the series here.