Summer Road Trip

Imagine you're on a road trip to see your best friend. You're cruising down the highway, singing along to the music, enjoying being alone.  

Then your "check engine" light comes on. You notice it, but keep driving because nothing seems obviously wrong, and you're in a hurry. 

An hour later, the "low fuel" light comes on, but you keep going. You've got at least 30 miles until you run out. 

Ten more miles down the road, your "low tire pressure" light comes on and you're pretty sure you have a flat tire. 

You have to stop. You can't go on like this.  


Often in life, we ignore all of the "check engine" signs that our body and mind give us. We just keep pressing the gas, ignoring the warning lights, until our mind and body can't take it anymore. 

This is where I can help. When you coach with me, we will figure out where you have a flat tire that needs to be immediately addressed, and where you have a check engine light. We'll prioritize what's most stressful, and work on that first. You'll start feeling better right away, and find that taking care of the smaller problems is a breeze because you have the skills and tools to solve them. 

And, unlike a car, once you learn these skills, you'll never need to reach "flat tire" again. I'll teach you lifelong skills that can be applied to any problem. 

If your check engine light is on, set up a free discovery call with me. It's a no pressure session for you to learn about coaching, and for me to learn about you. Why wait? You can start feeling better now.

PS Think how much better a road trip would be if the problems were already resolved. Think, too, about how much more fun you'd have while visiting your friend if you didn't have to worry about anything else. 

Michelle Gauthier