Sushi Socks

I’ve been racking my brain for gift ideas for my teenage son, so last weekend I went to do some shopping to see what I could find. 

The store was packed. I kept trying to go down aisles that were already full of carts and people. I ended up stopping in front of an overflowing display of socks that were rolled up and displayed in a sushi container, including the little fake grass and chopsticks. 

And then I remembered . . . I actually hate this kind of shopping! 

I prefer to have an idea in mind (I jot down ideas in the notes on my phone all year long as I think of them), and then search and find the great idea, preferably online.

There is no rule that says you have to go to a crowded store and buy sushi socks in order to have an equal amount of presents among your kids. Unless you love sushi socks and really enjoy shopping in person and keeping a spreadsheet about how much you spend on each kid. If you do, go for it! Not for me. 

You don’t have to make all the cookies, unless you find it fun.

You can say “no thank you” to holiday gatherings that you don’t want to attend. 

You can say yes to enjoying time with your family, whatever that looks like. 

You can choose being present with your people over checking boxes.

You can start now and feel content through the entire month of December, instead of frantic. 

PS  If they had ketchup socks, I would have been excited, as this is my son’s main food group. 

PPS  Now is the perfect time to start coaching. I’ll help you survive and even ENJOY the rest of the year and get you off on the right foot for 2024. If you’ve been thinking about coaching, the first step is to set up a discovery session with me right here.