How to avoid a sunburn 🥵

When you go on a beach vacation and you don’t want to get a sunburn, you plan ahead. You pack and apply sunscreen, wear a hat, and plan to be in the shade for the sunniest hours of the day. 

If you don’t do that, you’ll get a sunburn. 

Then, instead of preventing the problem of a sunburn, you’re treating the problem of a sunburn with aloe, lotion, drinking lots of water, and curling up in a blanket because you have the chills. The effects of a sunburn can last for days (or for years - just ask the sunspots on my face!) 

Overwhelm is kind of like a sunburn. There are things you can do to prevent it, and things you can do to treat it after you already have it. 

The “sunscreen” for overwhelm includes:   

  • Sleep

  • Saying no   

  • Moving your body

  • Having an organized home

  • Practicing a daily morning routine

  • Creating and keeping clear boundaries

  • Practicing meditation, yoga and/or prayer

  • Planning meals, ordering groceries, prepping food

  • Being ruthless about what gets on your calendar and what doesn’t 

My 1 on 1 coaching is 6 months. During that time, my clients implement many, if not all, of the list above. We work through each one slowly over time, and by the end they have set themselves up for a much more enjoyable life. Forever. 

I’m an expert at helping you create a sunburn-free life. The first step is to set up a time to talk with me here.

PS Are you currently saying, “Who has time to do all of that, Michelle?! I am super busy and overwhelmed." I get it. I’ve been there. Even just adding ten minutes of ONE of those items from above, even a few days a week, will be a win. And if you coach with me, we’ll get them all done in 6 months!