The Sunday Basket

Do you have a stack of unopened mail, ads, bills, magazines from last year, and catalogs that you don't remember signing up for?

You’re not alone. Many of us struggle with managing paper clutter, especially busy moms who are often overwhelmed. When the pile gets too big, bills and appointments can start to slip through the cracks, creating even more overwhelm.

Here’s a tried-and-true solution: The Sunday Basket.

The Sunday Basket is a centralized location where you put everything you need to address on Sunday - or any other day that works for your schedule. To get started, you’ll need a basket or an empty drawer. Make sure it’s large enough to hold a full-sized piece of paper.

Here are the basic steps to implement the Sunday Basket system:

  1. Recycle Immediately: Anything that doesn’t need action, get rid of immediately. In fact, I like to recycle junk mail before it even enters my house. By immediately recycling items you don't need, you can significantly reduce your paper pile—often by as much as 75% - before you even start organizing. This mindful approach to time management ensures that you are not overwhelmed by clutter.

  2. Drop It In: Anything that comes into your house during the week that needs to be paid, reviewed, or responded to should go into the Sunday Basket. Remember the first rule: if it doesn’t require action, recycle it immediately instead of placing it in the basket.

  3. Review and Act: Set aside time on Sunday (or your chosen day) to review and take action on the basket’s contents. When you do this once a week, it only takes 15-30 minutes. Go through each item in the basket and act on it:

    💰 Pay bills.

    🎉 RSVP to invitations.

    📆 Update the family calendar.

    📂 File anything you want or need to save - important receipts, tax documents, meaningful notes.

When you consistently use this Sunday Basket system, you can achieve peace of mind. It’s liberating to drop things in the basket throughout the week, knowing you have a scheduled time to review them. This system helps eliminate the overwhelming feeling of seeing a pile of mail and wondering what you need to do but haven’t done yet. Try it out!

PS A cluttered counter = an overwhelmed mind. If you’re ready to cut through the clutter in your mind and start living a calm, intentional, balanced life, join my group coaching program. You can learn more details and get on the waitlist right here. Getting on the waitlist means you’ll be able to sign up before everyone else (this matters, I limit the class size and it will sell out!) AND you’ll get a $250 discount off the regular price. Sign up now!