It’s the Stuff

After coming back from vacation a few months ago, I was feeling that post-vacation slump. I couldn’t figure out why, and then I realized . . . it’s the STUFF.

Every little thing in my house was driving me nuts. Every drawer I opened felt too full. My bathroom counter was cluttered.  I was furious when I couldn’t find a water bottle with the matching lid when we have a whole cabinet full of water bottles.

The clutter was silently stressing me out.

So, I gave myself a challenge: grab those big blue IKEA bags (you know the ones), and fill 12 of them with stuff to donate or throw away by the end of the month.

I didn’t make it to 12. But let me tell you, after just a few bags, it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. Walking into my newly decluttered bedroom? Bliss. Opening a drawer and seeing only the jewelry I actually wear? Life-changing.

It wasn’t just my home that felt clearer — my mind felt lighter too.

Here’s the thing, Michelle: clutter isn’t just about physical stuff. It’s mental. When we’re surrounded by too much, it weighs on us. Studies show that clutter impacts our stress levels, especially for women. Even if we don’t realize it, the mess around us can make everything feel heavier and more exhausting.

That’s Why I’m Inviting You to My Declutter Challenge.

I know how hard it can be to tackle clutter. It can feel overwhelming - embarrassing, even. But I promise you, you’re not the only one struggling with it. And you don’t have to do it alone.

This week, I’m running a Declutter Challenge to help you take control of your space (and your mind). It’s not about perfection. It’s about making small, simple changes that will bring more calm into your life.

All you have to do is reply to the emails I send out this week to be entered into a contest to win a $50 gift card to The Container Store or a coaching session with me. Each time you reply, you’ll get another entry into the drawing. Need to get on my email list? Click here!

Your Challenge Today:

Reply to my email and tell me: How do you feel when you walk into a cluttered space? 

Let’s do this!

PS  This week on the podcast I'm sharing the specific how-tos of decluttering! Tune in and learn how to choose your first target and exactly how to go about turning that space from stressful to calming. 

Organizing, OverwhelmKari Terwelp