[Trailer] Welcome!

Welcome to the Overwhelmed Working Woman podcast with me, Michelle Gauthier. I’m a Life Coach, a single mom of 2, and a former overwhelmed working woman myself. 

Podcasts were my lifeline during some of my toughest times. They gave me inspiration, insights, and tools that helped me to stay calm and focused even when everything around me felt like it was falling apart.

That's why I created Overwhelmed Working Woman. I want to help you feel less overwhelmed, less stressed and more calm by sharing coaching, tips, and strategies that I use with my clients. No matter how busy or overwhelming your life feels, you can feel better if you implement what I teach in each episode. 

If you have a never ending to-do list, say “yes” all the time to make other people happy, feel guilty for not working enough or momming enough (or both at the same time!) - this is the podcast for you.   

If you love the podcast, it would be fantastic if you could review and subscribe. That way, other overwhelmed working women will see the podcast too. I want us ALL to feel better. Thank you for listening. Enjoy the show! 

listen to the episode:

  •  Hello and welcome to the Overwhelmed Working Woman Podcast. I'm your host, Michelle Gauthier, and I'm a life coach. I help overwhelmed working women stop feeling overwhelmed so that instead they can feel relaxed and more confident and calm no matter what they have going on in life. I know exactly how it feels to be that overwhelmed working woman because I used to be one.

    I quit my 20 year corporate career to become a life coach, and it was one of the best decisions that I've ever made. Now I get to spend all day helping other people feel better and improve their lives, and this podcast is an extension of that. I want to share what I know. I want to share simple tools that you can use to make your life feel less stressful.

    This podcast is for you if you have a never ending to-do list. If you identify as a Type A overachiever, if you wake up in the morning and your first thought is something like, I'm exhausted, or I can't do it all today. If you're a people pleaser and you have a tendency to say yes, even when you want to say no, because you always want other people to be happy with you or like you.

    You suffer from mom guilt at work and work guilt at home, and just in general, this podcast is for you if you feel stressed and overwhelmed more than not. In each weekly episode, I'm going to help you feel more calm and less stressed. I'm a person who loves to take action. So when I want to solve a problem, when I have a problem that I'm trying to solve, I don't want to just keep talking about it.

    I want to know what to do. So from that place, I will share specific strategies and tools that you can use to feel better. And if you feel overwhelmed right now, you're not alone. Up to 80% of working women report feeling stressed and overwhelmed. And just as a side note, I feel like that's actually low, in my opinion.

    It's more like 98% of working women feel overwhelmed and it makes sense that we are, because we have stressful jobs. And then we take on basically everything else. Women tend to do much more of the taking care of the house and the children, and all the things in life that need to be done tend to fall to women.

    So no surprise that we're feeling stressed and overwhelmed. My goal in this podcast is to give you strategies to help you feel better so that you can feel less overwhelmed, more calm, more confident and more grounded. It is totally possible. If you listen to this podcast and you love it, it would be amazing if you would subscribe and leave a review.

    When you do that, it just makes it easier for other people to find the podcast, and I want every single one of those 80 or 98% of women who are working who feel overwhelmed to find this podcast. So that I can help them feel better too. No woman left behind, right. Thanks for listening. I hope you enjoy the podcast, and I hope to see you every week when I drop a new episode.

    Thank you for listening to The Overwhelmed Working Woman Podcast. If you want to learn more about my work, head over to my website@michelleGauthier.com. See you next week.

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Michelle Gauthier