Hi! I’m Michelle & I’m a recovering Type A overachiever who got sick of life being "crazy busy" all the time. I was exhausted from juggling motherhood and a demanding career while also trying to be a good wife, friend, sister, daughter. While cooking healthy meals. And staying in shape. And having a lovely home. And volunteering at my kids' school.
You get what I’m saying.
One night I was folding laundry and listening to a podcast, and the guest was a life coach. As she explained what she did and how she helped people, I immediately thought “I want that job!” That night, I couldn’t sleep. I got up out of bed and went to computer. I googled “best life coach” and Martha Beck came up. Along with a PhD from Harvard, she also wrote a monthly column in O magazine. I was smitten. When I saw she had a life coaching school, I signed up within 24 hours. I KNEW this is what I was meant to do, despite having 2 small kids, a failing marriage, and a stressful corporate job.
Fast forward four years, and here I am, living a fully authentic life. I worked through all of my own issues with a coach. I completed my training under Martha Beck and started my own business while working at my corporate job. I got divorced. I got a puppy. I quit my job and began life coaching full time.
I am living a life that feels calm, authentic, and intentional. It is my greatest joy is to help others do the same.