What did you do RIGHT this year?

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It always seems easier to look back on a year and see the things we DIDN’T do, than to celebrate what we did.

But today we're going to focus on the positive of 2018. You probably went through some hard things or felt frustrated at some point throughout the year. But surely you also did a lot of things right. It worth taking the time to note those things, because:

  1. You should keep doing them

  2. It feels good to take a moment to celebrate our successes

  3. Sometimes we're so busy running around, we forget that every day we probably do more things right than wrong.

What are the things you rocked, big or small, in 2019?

Did you get your kids to school on time, more days than not?

Did you win a huge new client at work? Finish a killer project? Quit your job?

Were you kind to a neighbor? Did you help out a friend who needed you? Did you surprise someone with a kind gesture who didn't expect it, and maybe you didn't even want to do it?


Did you love yourself? Did you exercise? Eat well, some of the time? Did you take some long bubble baths just because you felt like it? Did you dig deep and find strength you didn't know you had to get through a tough situation?

Were you part of a book club or bible study or volunteer group where you were inspired?

Did you have some belly laughs with your friends?  

Did you play on the floor with your kids? Did you put your phone down and tune in to be fully present with your family? Did you show your love to your family by making their lunches? Every. Dang. Day?

Did you do the hard thing, that was the right thing?  

Were you able to de-clutter a space, redecorate a room, give away some old clothes? Did you clear out some old thoughts that were holding you back from trying new things?  

Did you take a wonderful vacation? Even if it was difficult to get away?  

Did you correct a mistake you made? Did you give a sincere apology when it was needed?  

Did you spend time in gratitude? Did you see the beauty around you every day? Did you pray? Meditate? Do yoga? Write thank you notes?  

Did you hug the people you love like you really mean it? Did you spend some time in nature? Were you in awe of the fall leaves, the first snow, a flower in spring, a sound of frogs in the summer?  

Take a minute to savor the hundreds of small or big things you did RIGHT this year. Good job, you. I'm proud of you and inspired by you. When you pack your bags for 2020, throw those in your suitcase!