What’s the deal with coaching?

My favorite question that I get about being a Life Coach goes something like this “So you just tell people how to fix their lives?”


“I’m intimidated talking to you because your life is probably perfect.” 

HA! No, and no. I do help people change their lives, but I don’t tell them what to do. Instead I ask questions and teach them to find the answers that are already there, and help them plan those changes. As for my life, it’s definitely not perfect, but it is authentic. I have my own coach, too! (I think everyone could use a Life Coach, but that’s a different post). 

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I spend most of every working day right here in this spot, coaching clients 1 on 1. In an average day I can have sessions with up to 6 clients. Most of my sessions are done on the phone, but some are video or in person. I see it as an honor to walk with a client as she makes changes to improve her life. It’s inspiring, and so much fun to be a coach.   

Why do clients sign up for 1 on 1 coaching? 

Each client is different, but these are the general themes I see: 

  1. Self Love/Self Care/Self Confidence - If you’ve been putting yourself last (Moms have a habit of doing this!) it will eventually wear you down, even to the point of making you physically sick. If you’re in a toxic relationship, the exhaustion from managing it often causes you to forget self love and care altogether. I often help women (and occasionally men, too) work on knowing themselves, loving themselves, and feel great about who they are. This shift will empower you to stand up for yourself in all areas of life. 

  2. Work - I work with women who are starting a new business, growing a business, going through a job loss, job change, or starting work again after a period of staying home. Even though each of these situations are different, the obstacles to thrive during the change are the same. We can change our own thoughts to better manage any situation life presents to us. 

  3. Organizing - If your problem is “I have so much to do and I will never catch up” I’m the coach for you! I help women with scheduling, prioritizing, planning, de-cluttering - all of the pieces to create an organized, calm life. I also help women take things off their to do list by saying no. 


An average session can include something as deep as uncovering old stories and thoughts a client has believed since childhood, or something as light as making a dinner plan for the week.



Sometimes I get a chance to help clients bring the fun back into their lives, after they have become so busy and overwhelmed that they can't even remember what they like anymore.

I absolutely LOVE doing 1 on 1 coaching. Helping people uncover their true desires and make a plan to bring them into their lives is awesome. 

Have you been considering coaching 1 on 1 with me? Now is a great time to sign up, because: 

1. You will set yourself up for a great 2020. Make that change you've been itching to make for a while! 

2. I have openings now. 

3. You can still buy the package at 2019 rates before they go up in 2020!

Set up a free hour to chat with me and find out if coaching is right for you!

Planning, InspirationGuest User