2019: What will you order on the menu of life?

As we enter into December, we have an awesome opportunity. We have a fresh, crisp new year right around the corner. Right now, 2019 is white piece of paper, waiting for you to write on it. (If your brain automatically answered that statement with "Yeah right. My paper is already all filled in with more than I can handle and it will just continue" - please keep reading!)  

I know unexpected things will happen. I'm not saying 2019 will be jam packed with sunshine and rainbows and unicorns. Well not ONLY sunshine and rainbows and unicorns. But what I am saying is that we can control the way we think about it, and the way we FEEL about it.  

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Let's pretend life hands us a menu. On that menu is "crazy busy" and "overwhelmed" but also "calm" and "present."  

Let's just say you've been ordering crazy busy every day for years, with an occasional vacation or break where you order calm.  

Let's just say you've been ordering crazy busy for so long you can't imagine ordering anything else. Let's just say ordering crazy busy is so familiar to you that it's almost scary not to order it. Crazy busy gives you a certain kind of security, because it's the crazy you know, even if you don't enjoy it.  

You tell yourself that one day it won't be on the menu. Something will change and it will just go away. Here's the truth: it's always going to be on the menu!  

The good news is, you can stop ordering it.  

Maybe you also tell yourself that you just need to go to a new restaurant with a new menu, for example your kids will get older, or you'll get a new job, start a new relationship, hire a better babysitter. I hate to tell you, but crazy busy is always on every menu.  

The good news is, you can stop ordering it!  

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So take a moment to think about that today, and this month, and how you want your 2019 to feel. Do you want the end of 2019 to feel like the end of 2018?  

Think about your answers to those questions and stay tuned. I'll continue to post throughout this month with ways to bring calm into your 2019.  

A quick way to start now is to join Calm Moms Collective for daily inspiration. We have great conversation, share tips, laugh and get inspired by one another.  

If you are ready to take bigger action, you can also set up a free hour long session with me to talk about how we can help you place a new order.