Review: Law of Attraction Planner

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If you believe in the Law of Attraction, which is essentially the belief that  we all have the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on, this might be the planner for you! The creator of this planner, a life coach and meditation instructor, is on a mission to "help millions of people around the world increase their emotional vibration, that way you can feel good about yourself, follow your heart, and create true freedom in your life. " 

If that description feels a little too "woo woo" or out there for your liking, hang in there. This is also a very practical and useful planner that I have used myself. I am a big believer that thoughts become things, so why not take the time to plan for what we truly want?  

I reviewed the undated weekly version, which I purchased here for $29.95

Recommended for:

Planning Personality: Adaptable Annie

(If you have not taken my quiz to find out your Planning Personality, take 1 minute and do it now!)

 Planning Options:

Yearly: Not in a calendar form, but it does have a ton of great high level planning activities. There are about 10 separate planning things you can do to start your year off right. (See more details below under high level planning.)

Monthly: Yes - the monthly two page spread includes a calendar, plus a list of desired goals and action steps to take to get there.

Weekly: Yes  - the weekly page is the main way to break down your big goals and get them on paper. It includes space for appointments, plus priority to do lists, and a positive habit tracker.

Daily Planning: No - but the weekly spread has a column for each day so you can add daily appointments and the top goal for each day.

Project Tracking: Yes. At the front of the planner, you create specific goals for what you want to accomplish throughout the year, and plan your rewards for when you do. I love the page that asks where am I now, where am I going, and how do I get there. The "How do I get there" section can be broken down into monthly and weekly goals.

Monthly Review: Yes, the "Reflect on Your Month" page is my favorite feature of this planner. It includes the Wheel of Life to assess all of the parts of life that matter. It asks fantastic, thought provoking questions. For example, you start off by listing your top 10 achievements for the month. You follow that with questions about who inspired you, what you learned, any fears you need to address, etc. It's a review I would suggest that everyone do each month!


The design isn't my favorite aspect of this planner. The cover is ok, and it's offered in several colors. The inside pages are well designed and contain super useful content. There is just nothing that excites me about the design. (Although the rose gold color does make me happy!) 

High Level Planning:
Law of Attraction Planner knocks it out of the park on high level planning! Each of  exercises you do before the year begins are well thought out and useful. Using this planner, you have the option to work through:

LOAwhere am i going.jpg
  1. Goal Setting - for 50 different goals in all areas of your life

  2. Harmony - Goal setting for all of the key areas in life, in order to remain well rounded. For example, health, personal growth, family, and money are all equally important areas to focus on.

  3. One Year Goals - Select your top 5 goals, set rewards that you'll give yourself if you achieve them, and assess what mental blocks might prevent you from doing so.

  4. Where I'm Going - Where are you now, where are you going, and how do you get there? The last answer will help drive your monthly and weekly goals.

  5. Most Important Life Goals

  6. Life Statement of Purpose

  7. Breaking 5 & 6 above into manageable steps with daily actions/mindsets using a mind map

This is the best feature of the planner and sets your whole year up for success!  

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Extra Feature(s): Stickers! And a ribbon bookmark as well.  

Drawbacks/Cons: The overall design and feel just doesn't wow me. But the content is so good, I can look past it's blah exterior.

If you are ready to analyze your life, plan some big goals, and up your energy to attract them, this is the perfect planner for you!

If this planner doesn’t feel like you, check out these instead:

If you like the level of detail but a law of attraction is a little too “out there” for your liking, try the Passion Planner.

If this feels too detailed for you, try The Simplified Planner

If it’s not enough daily detail, check out the Day Designer