Life Isn't Perfect, but Your Nails Can Be

Today I had one of those days where I was going, going, going . . . all day long. I am putting the finishing touches on an online class I'm offering starting in August (click here if you want to be notified when the sign up opens!) and recording a video for the intro. I had the pleasure of chatting with clients, and taking my kids to the library*. I wrapped up the day with meeting a friend for dinner, cleaning up after my puppy for the 18th time today, and folding laundry. When I read back over that, it sounds kind of exhausting, but I actually enjoyed cruising through my day.

*Ok, on the taking the kids to the library thing, I WANT to be the Mom who takes the kids to the library all the time. I love libraries and love reading. However I just have to tell you that this is the first time we've been all summer. We went today because my soon-to-be second grader has a bunch of summer homework that we haven't started on yet, which requires reading several books.  So this outing finally made it to my to do list. Just trying to keep it real with you, people. I'm barely squeaking by on summer homework. I'm not living out my library dreams, yet. Also I hope her teacher doesn't follow my blog.


Ok, back to my original point. The point about how I accomplished a variety of tasks today with pleasure (mostly). What was the key to this ultra-motivated day?

My nails. It was my nails.

I'm not even kidding, there is something about having my nails done that makes me feel super motivated! It's a small thing that I can control in a world full of things I have no control over. I'm not sure precisely why, I just know it works. It works especially well when I haven't done my hair for a month (it's summer, 99% ponytail time) or worn much make-up. I hadn't painted my nails in several weeks, and then yesterday my bestie texted me a picture of her manicure and I thought - that's it! I need to get my nails done! One hour and $30 later I feel like my life is totally in control and everything is going my way.

Sometimes it's the little things. What's your "little thing" to make you motivated and feel great? High heels? Running shoes? Pony tail? Eyebrow wax? Highlights? I'd love to hear.