The Invisible Workload of Motherhood

Have you ever heard of the “invisible workload of motherhood?”

It is the work that goes unnoticed, unless it’s not done. It’s the reason we need to leave a 2 page typed document to leave home for 2 days. 

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Let me give you some examples from my own life as I sit here at 9 pm, writing this article and eating some popcorn. I know that my daughter has a non-uniform day tomorrow and that the shirt she wants to wear is in the dryer. She has a substitute teacher at horse lessons tomorrow so I’ll need to walk her in and find said teacher and make sure all is well. The dishwasher is full, but dirty, so I need to start that. We need to leave the house by 7:25 tomorrow because if my son doesn’t arrive at school by 7:50, he won’t get to play wall ball in the gym before the bell rings. I need to ask two clients to move their normal appointments for a field trip I’m going in a couple weeks. I know the Halloween candy on the dining room table belongs to my daughter and that my son has been taking candy from it. Which is fine, as long as she doesn’t realize it.

The things to do (which no one else knows - because it’s invisible!), and the mental energy required to remember all of these details, mostly belongs to Moms. 

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I’ve been focusing a lot on the upcoming holidays for my business because I have a few offerings for the end of the year (Annual Planner Review, Calm Holidays Webinar, Planning a Simple 2020 class) and it seems like across the board, we Moms want to be excited about the holidays - but have way too much to do! As I pondered why that could be, there seem to be a few key reasons. 

  1. We don’t say no. 

  2. See above example about the Invisible Workload and add in the holiday things! So. Much. To. Remember. 

  3. It’s our default to be overwhelmed, and almost a point of pride to be “crazy busy” in some cases. 

But rest assured, we can improve on all 3! I truly believe we can enjoy the holidays like our kids do. If you want to have a Calm & Connected holiday season, register for my free webinar next Wednesday to find out how.