What is a Life Coach, anyway?

So, what do you do for a living?"

Ah, the inevitable question that comes up when we meet someone for the first time. When I reply that I'm a LIfe Coach, I get a lot of questions, my favorite so far being “is that a real job?” (If it isn’t, don’t tell me!).

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So, do you just tell people what to do with their life? (No, but I do help them figure that out for themselves!)

Does that mean your life is perfect and you have it all together all the time? (Ha! Nope. But I do try to be totally authentic and transparent about my own life.)

I’ve also people ask me what I actually DO. This week, since we’ve been focusing on jobs, I thought I’d tell you some of things I do and my favorite parts of this awesome job.

1 on 1 Coaching

I spend a large portion of most days meeting with 1 on 1 clients. Those are individualized sessions where we work toward whatever that particular client’s goal is. Some clients want to make their life more calm. Working through that usually includes a healthy dose of mindset change combined with better planning and taking things OFF the to-do list.

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Others want to switch careers, embrace staying home, or navigate going back to work. I've helped clients uncover their natural gifts and put them to work in the world.

An average session can include something as deep as uncovering old stories and thoughts we have believed since childhood, or something as light as making a dinner plan for the week.

Sometimes I get a chance to help clients bring the fun back into their lives, after they have become so busy and overwhelmed that they can't even remember what they like anymore.

I absolutely LOVE doing 1 on 1 coaching. Helping people uncover their true desires and make a plan to bring them into their lives is awesome. 


I also teach classes. I just finished a class called "A Warm and Cozy Guide to a Simple 2019." We worked on setting an intention for what we want more of in our lives (calm, peace, energy, joy) and what want less of (overwhelm, frustration, anxiety). We simplified our schedules and learned how to plan efficiently and with intention. The part I loved most about this class was the community we formed. We all meet on video and we can see and encourage one another as we make changes in our lives.

Right now, I'm in the middle of teaching a class called "Clutter Free Living." So far, we have been exploring how clutter makes us feel, and why we are ready to get rid of it. We have a private facebook group where we share photos and cheer each other on.

I offer classes every quarter. In the spring I’ll be offering “Spring Clean Your Life.”  In the summer I’ll offer “Meet Your Essential Self” and in late fall I’ll once again offer a class to create a simple New Year.

In Person Offerings

Last week I blogged about a workshop I did for a Women’s Adventure Club here in St. Louis. I loved teaching this fantastic group of women how to learn more about themselves and bring more of their essential selves into their everyday life. I’m always looking for opportunities to present workshops or speak to groups because I love it.

Over the course of the past month, I’ve taught 2 classes, met with many 1 on 1 clients,  and presented at a workshop. I also write weekly articles, and post on social media. I’m not sure what other Life Coaches do, but that’s what this life coach does. I end each day thinking about how grateful I am to have this job. It’s an amazing experience and I’m so grateful to have my dream job!

If you’re not living your dream job, let’s chat! I offer a free session ($165 value) to anyone who is interested in learning more.

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