It's Time for The Calm Revolution

I’m all fired up this week, friends. I’m so sick of the expectations that we, as women, and society too, put upon us. We women sacrifice our entire being to be everything to everyone, all the time. We “should” be able to pull this off flawlessly by being the mother to perfect kids, while wearing a cute outfit, earning a fat paycheck, and having flawless skin despite never sleeping. We are everywhere every minute, yet never present anywhere. It’s total BS! There is no prize at the end of life for being most exhausted. Be whatever you want to be, but be what you choose. Don’t let society boss you around. Whew! Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

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I believe that you, yes YOU, the person reading this message right now, can stop feeling overwhelmed. It’s possible. You don’t even have to quit your job, or your spouse, or parenting (LOL), to do that. I think it’s time for a Calm Revolution. The kind of revolution where we breathe deeply and connect to what really matters.

The keys to calm lie in these simple concepts:

  1. Positive thinking matters. People are more good than bad. Things work out more often than they don’t. I believe we do the right thing far more often than we do the wrong thing. Looking for the good, believing in the good, will deliver more good to your life. Promise.  

  2. Shift your limiting thoughts, shift your life. I believe that our thoughts and the stories we tell ourselves drive our feelings, and those drive our actions. The good news is, you are the master of your thoughts, and with practice you can change them! Thought changes alone are enough to shift your life from miserable to peaceful, from chaos to calm. I’ve seen it time and time again with my clients and in my own life.

  3. Free yourself from the “stuff”. Our physical environment has a huge impact on the thoughts that we have, which (see #3!) drive our feelings, and our action or inaction. Decluttering your house once and for all will give you a much more peaceful mind.

  4. Silence is golden. You need to sit quietly with your own thoughts. That can be true silence, guided meditation, or prayer. Let’s say you have a fear deep down that you are unlovable. To avoid that thought, you may pad your life with a huge to-do list, ensuring that you are always busy and needed. You may avoid these thoughts through drinking, eating, shopping, or other destructive behavior. The truth is, these thoughts, the ones are you spending your life avoiding, aren’t going to kill you, and also aren’t true. Feeling them, accepting that fear, and healing them is where MAJOR change happens.

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Let’s Do This!

The C.A.L.M. Revolution

C - Clutter is out

A - Attitude is positive

L - Limiting Thoughts are shifted

M - Mindfulness is practiced

I am an expert at guiding women through this. Let me know if you are ready for change!