What's Your Superpower?


When I ask a client "what's something that you're really good at?" in an effort to help her uncover her special gifts, the most common response is "Ummmmm . . . nothing?"

I realize people don't want to brag, but I also think that many of us truly don't know what our gifts are. Our gifts come naturally to us, and can feel more like fun than hard work. This combination gives us the false belief that the gift isn't special. 


Let's say you have a friend who buys flowers and makes beautiful arrangements. When you compliment her on them she might say "oh it's easy, you could do it too" when you know very well that you could never make something similar. That's a perfect example of a gift that feels so easy and fun that the flower arranger doesn't even realize how special it is. 

I promise, you have some kind of magical gift or super power. Probably more than one! Everyone does. And if you don't take the time to find out what it is, it just goes missing from the world. I hate the idea of that happening, the world needs all of our unique gifts! I dream of helping everyone know and appreciate their super power. 

One of my gifts is seeing other people's talent and gifts. I am a natural encourager. I also have a gift of being organized and making life more simple. In every situation, my brain automatically looks for a better or easier way. Each time I go through airport security, I revise the process in my head and think of improvements they could make. I can tell you how long the starbucks drive-thru is likely to take based on my years of informal studies on the number of cars vs. minutes. I will stop and re-arrange my pantry to put the most used foods in front, right in the middle of making dinner (staying on task is not one of my gifts when there is a process improvement to be made!).  When I meet someone at a party, I pepper them with questions to find out what makes them tick. (I know, feel free to avoid me at parties, I cannot contain my curiosity.)

If I asked you to write a paragraph like the one above, what would it say?

You have no idea what you'd say? Yes, you do! Let me help you get started.

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  1. 1. What do people often ask you for help with?

    2. What activities do you enjoy so much that you lose track of time?

    3. What do you know a lot about?

    I've seen gifts of all kinds. Are you empathetic to the point that you can almost feel other people's feelings? Can you easily see solutions to problems that others have tried to solve unsuccessfully? Are you an amazing hostess, who makes people feel warm and welcome in your home? Are you the life of the party who can crack a joke and have fun anywhere? Do you have impeccable taste that extends to your home and clothing? Are you great at buying the perfect gift? Do you know the make and model for every car made since 1963? Can you do complex math in your head without even trying? Can you build things without instructions? Are you great at keeping an audience's attention while teaching or public speaking? Are you able to play just about any sport well?

    Ponder this, my friends! Next week we will talk about how to embrace you gifts and bring them to the world even more.