It's May! The perfect time to look...backward?

A fresh new calendar page is upon us. But before you get too busy planning May, I recommend you take a quick look at April. There is so much to be learned and appreciated by taking a look backward. I just completed mine for April and it enlightened me so much I decided I had to share this tool with you!

The worksheet is called The Monthly Quick 6 and you can grab it here. This exercise will take you 10 minutes or less. I'll share some examples from my month so you can see why this is worthwhile.

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Here's what I figured out by doing my Quick 6 review:

Gratitude Spotlight: Jean. Oh Jean, how I love Jean. Jean comes to my house every day. Somehow she takes care of absolutely everything I need, even when I don't know what I need! She picks up (we are messy), she does our laundry (and even folds it my crazy konmari fashion). When I'm out of paper towels or laundry detergent, she doesn't even tell me about it. New ones just appear like magic. She leaves the kids notes and candy. She walks the dog. She asks me how work is and gives me suggestions for how to grow my business. You guys, she is simply amazing. And although I'm grateful for her every day, doing my monthly review just made me realize how very lucky I am.

I also listed 17 (!!!) other things I was SUPER grateful for in April. My parents came home for the spring, I had the pleasure of helping a bunch of lovely clients, my garage is finally clean . . . the list goes on and on.

Time Spent: One question on the worksheet is if the way I spent my time aligned with my priorities. It did! It really did! But this didn't come easy. I really struggled in March. I was working every moment I wasn't with my kids. I was with my kids every moment I wasn't working. Everything started to run together and feel . . . exhausting. My Life Coach (thank you Leigha! You made the gratitude list too!) helped me figure out that I should spend Fridays taking care of myself. That means not working, but instead resting, reading, spending time with friends or family. That shift made my whole life feel in balance. So, YES, I put my time where my priorities are. If I hadn’t reviewed March to get to the bottom of why I was feeling that way, I wouldn’t have been able to implement a plan in April to fix it.

What I’ll Change: Looking back at April, I realized I didn’t plan time for a few things that matter to me. In May, I’ll do a better job at following up with clients who might be interested in working with me. I’ll aim to cook 2-3 nights a week instead of 0-1 ;). I’ll spend some time learning more about Instagram. Again, if I hadn’t looked back at April, I wouldn’t know what was missing or needed to change for May.
So, Grab this worksheet, do a quick review, and Happy May!