Halfway Through 2019

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How is already mid-July, you guys!? This year is flying by. I have loved so much about this year already, and I look forward to what the second half will bring. 

At the same time, there are things that I haven't accomplished yet. There are things that I'm hanging onto that I'd like to drop for the second half. There are things I love that I want to make sure get more attention in the second half of the year.

How about you? Are you happy with where you are right now? 

If you set goals for 2019, are you halfway to meeting them? 

Did you make New Year's resolutions in January that you haven’t thought about since January 15? 

Did you forget to set them at all?

Does your year feel just the same as last year, when you meant to make it feel different? 

No matter where you are, I invite you, actually I encourage you, to join my MidYear Challenge next week. It's free, it’s going to be fun, it's going to be easy, and it's going to help you get or stay on track for 2019. And also, each day will have a prize. What's not to love?

Here's the deal. Every day next week, I'll post a 3-5 minute video giving you the challenge question for that day. You can post your answer on Facebook or write it down yourself if you don't feel like sharing your answer. I'll enter your name for a drawing and you have a chance to win a prize every day.

If you participate all 5 days, you'll be entered into a drawing to for the grand prize, which is worth $200.

Come and join the fun! Register today!