You Can Still Sparkle

Did you participate in the Midyear Challenge this week? If you did, thank you! It was a wonderful experience to hear what everyone is doing RIGHT this year, as well as how they want to improve. We made small next steps and set ourselves up for success with a mantra. 

My very favorite part was people listing what they have done RIGHT this year so far. So often our brain immediately thinks all that we need to improve. Writing out what is working and patting ourselves on the back for that is a worthy exercise. I challenge you to come up with 10 things you are doing RIGHT if you missed the challenge. 

To keep the momentum going, I am SUPER excited to announce a new program that I’m offering called Sparkling Second Half. 

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If some of your 2019 dreams have fallen to the wayside (like relaxing on weekends, being present with your family, occasional self-care and the like), this is the program for you! We’ll take your 2019 and polish it until it sparkles! There's still time to have a great year. 

The program includes a class with 4 sessions + individual coaching sessions (3 or 6 depending on which option you choose).  

Registration is open right now and closes July 31st. Full details can be found here

Michelle Gauthier