Break the Cycle

You lose your patience with your kids and/or spouse, and then feel terrible about it. You go to bed every night exhausted, thinking you should have accomplished more. You can’t remember the last time you did anything just for fun.

If this sounds familiar, you are right in the midst of The Overwhelm Cycle.

There’s too much to do, so you do more. You aren’t connecting with your family, so you get angry and push them even further away. You never do anything for yourself, and wouldn’t even know what to do if you had the time.

It doesn’t have to be this way. I can teach you to break this cycle. Once you learn the tools, you will be able to live a calm, intentional life that you enjoy.

Set up a time with me and if you’re ready to re-connect with your family, stop worrying about your job, and have fun again.