Letting Go of Fall ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ

I went out of town last weekend and when I returned home, every leaf had fallen from my beautiful trees. I love fall and I was so sad that it was suddenly over. 

On my run the next morning, I noticed that the empty trees are beautiful, too. They are full of potential for the tree theyโ€™ll be in the spring, and summer, and next fall. If the trees hadnโ€™t dropped their beautiful, colorful leaves, theyโ€™d eventually turn brown and no new leaves could grow, because the old ones were just hanging around taking up space.  

Is there something you need to drop in this season? Is there something you can let go of? 

๐ŸA relationship where you always give but never receive 


๐ŸA club or group that you belong to, but donโ€™t love anymore 

๐ŸThe need to be liked and get approval from others 

๐ŸNegative self talk about your body 

๐ŸComparing yourself to others on social media 

๐ŸA job that sucks the life out of you 


Even if it feels scary to let go of these, think of the space youโ€™ll create in your life for 


๐ŸƒA new, fulfilling relationship 

๐ŸƒFree time to relax 

๐ŸƒJoining a new community that inspires you

๐ŸƒSpace to focus on your own life and family 

๐ŸƒBody confidence 

๐ŸƒA new job, or even career, that you are excited about 

You can create the life you want to have. You just might need to let go of a few things to get started. I can help you with that in a couple of ways.

1. Sign up for my free class called "Permission to do Less: How to stay calm and connected this holiday season.

2. Set up a free hour consultation with me to see if 1 on 1 coaching is right for you.

Inspiration, Quick TipsGuest User