Where is my normal life and when is it coming back?

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This week, life has “given us the opportunity” to do something entirely different than we’ve ever done before. 

Last week, your life probably looked perfectly normal. This week, you could unexpectedly be:  

  • Working from home when you are used to working in an office 

  • Working with your kids in tow 

  • Overseeing your children’s distance learning, or teaching them yourself 

  • Planning meals with limited resources 

  • Living inside your house without your normal community of friends, family, babysitters, house cleaners or personal chefs (I’m joking on that one, unless you have one, then I’m jealous)

Or, maybe you’re one of the people who is still going to work in person, and you’re trying to manage all of the above while being gone. 

Let’s pause to give ourselves some credit. That’s a lot of change in a very short amount of time. You are doing GREAT. 


If you’ve been in react/survival mode, and would like to move to empowered/”I got this” mode, download my free template to create your own Ideal Week schedule. 

You can use time blocking (with various cute colors, obviously!) to designate the times in your day to work, take care of yourself, teach the kids, and have family time. 

Planning an ideal week gives you a goal to aspire to. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it puts you in charge, instead of the other way around. 

We can’t control much in this situation, but let’s control what we can! 

As always, email me with any comments or questions. I’m here to chat if you need some encouragement. michelle@michellelynchard.com