Mom Guilt Made Me Do It

February was a jam packed month for me. Besides my regular life of being a single mom and running a business, I also took three trips and co-chaired a major fundraiser for my son’s school. 

I knew heading into February that it had the potential to be crazy. I decided to start the month with a getaway trip to Florida that was just for me, just because I wanted to. It was the perfect plan to recharge before a busy month. Right? 


It was until the Mom Guilt kicked in. Here were my thoughts: 

🌟people will judge me for being away from my kids to do something selfish

🌟people will say “I wish I had the means to do that, must be nice ... “ 

🌟people will think I don't work hard enough

Guys, none of that is true! It’s all crap. I am a good mom, a very present mom, who needs a break sometimes. I love my job and I work hard, all the time! And that’s why I have money to take a trip. 

But, why are the Mom Guilt thoughts the first ones to pop up, even for me, who coaches about these things all day long?

It’s just our brain’s default. An attempt to keep us safe and small and where we are. But, they are just thoughts. We can choose to believe them, or not. You have the same power as I do to notice the thoughts, evaluate if they are true, and kick them to the curb if you choose. 

Bye, Mom Guilt, I won't miss ya and you didn't wreck my trip even if you tried! 

PS: I'd love to show YOU how to say goodbye to Mom Guilt too. Schedule a free call with me to find out how. 

PPS: Here are the rest of the fun things I did in February.

Co-chairing a scholarship fundraiser at my son's school, which is near and dear to my heart.

Co-chairing a scholarship fundraiser at my son's school, which is near and dear to my heart.

Delighted to belong to Stacey Boehman's 200K Mastermind, in the company of 29 other strong, successful female business owners.

Delighted to belong to Stacey Boehman's 200K Mastermind, in the company of 29 other strong, successful female business owners.

Visiting my parents in Phoenix for a little sunshine and quality time.

Visiting my parents in Phoenix for a little sunshine and quality time.

 And on March 1, I took a nap. 😴