Sell Your Minivan and Go to Bali

My client Sara came to me this fall because she felt like her kids were growing up too fast and she was missing it. Summer had just ended and she hadn’t enjoyed it. She hated how much time her three sons spent on their phones and video games. The swim team they were part of was a huge time commitment and no longer fun. 

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Sara really values fun, adventure and true connection. Her summer didn’t meet any of those criteria, which is why it felt like such a disappointment. 

We got out a fresh piece of paper and brainstormed. I asked Sara what her BIG dream would be for this summer, if she was in charge of the world and could make anything happen. 

Her answer came quickly. 


She wanted to go to Bali with her family for the summer, including spending a week at a family camp where they can bond while also learning about sustainable living. 

At that moment, her dream sounded ridiculous and impossible. Sara got out her calendar and marked the whole month of July with “Bali” and we got to work. 

We just had a few obstacles to overcome. 

  1. She couldn’t afford it 

  2. She and her husband both work, and taking off a month is crazy

  3. Her sons are teens and pre-teens and are involved in activities that would run all summer 

  4. People would judge her

Fortunately, all of these obstacles are just thoughts. 

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Yes, they didn’t have the money on hand. But we brainstormed 10 different ways they could find the money, including selling her minivan and/or renting their home to another family while they are in Bali. 

Sara got permission to take a month off work. Her husband will take some vacation, and work some of the time remotely. 

Her sons are all thrilled about the Bali Adventure and don’t mind missing their normal summer activities. 

It didn’t really matter what other people thought. If they thought she was crazy, or spoiled, it wasn’t reason enough to NOT go for the adventure of a lifetime. 

They are doing it. They are literally spending July in Bali! 

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In the end, this “impossible dream” was possible. Sara had all of the answers inside her. I helped Sara find them, and she took action to make them happen. 

Sara isn’t unique. You can TOTALLY change your life. Even in a big and seemingly impossible way. It’s not even that hard. I have a simple program where I’ll guide you every step of the way. 

Are you ready to stop letting life pass you by? Ready to start making a dream come true? Set up a free session with me to get started today. 

PS: I’m moving to NYC with my sister when all of our kids graduate high school. We’re going to have an amazing apartment and do cool stuff every night. What’s your big dream?