"People take advantage of me"

Do you ever feel like people take advantage of you?

Do you say "yes" when you want to say "no"?

Do you wonder who you really are, because you allow others to tell you how to think and feel?

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If so, you may have unhealthy boundaries in your relationships.

Having boundaries is essential to your self esteem, and a calm life. It’s a way to show respect for what matters to you.  

Unhealthy boundaries can create a toxic, one sided relationship, where you are always trying to please the other person.  

If you'd like to work on creating healthy boundaries, start by answering these questions about yourself. Write down your thoughts in a journal and think about your answers.

1. Do I say “yes” when I want to say “no”? Why?  

2. Do I take on other people’s problems as my own, and think about how to solve them? 

3. Do I value my own opinion and feelings as much as I value other people’s opinions and feelings?

 I can help you create healthy boundaries. If you’re interested in learning more about 1 on 1 coaching, set up a free discovery call with me. No strings attached!