Advice from a (wine) cork

Imagine you are a cork, floating in the ocean. Sometimes the ocean is smooth, clear and beautiful. Sometimes the ocean is dark, murky and turbulent. 

Either way, you can’t get out, because after all, you are a cork, and you can’t control the ocean. But you also can’t sink. 

Sometimes the ocean scares you, and sometimes it soothes you. 

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During dark times you might think 

“I want out of this ocean” 

“I need this ocean to stop being so turbulent” 

“I would be fine if I knew when this storm was going to end”

Or, you could choose a thought like this: 

“I’m a cork with no control over the ocean. Luckily I have the ability to just be, and float.”

“Even though I’m uncomfortable and can’t see the end of this turbulent water, I’m ok. It’s ok to be scared, but I know I won’t sink.” 

Or even thoughts like these 

“Maybe this dark, turbulent water is teaching me something. What is it?” 

“Today I will just float. Just be. Rest instead of struggle against the storm.” 

The beauty is, you can choose any thought you want. You can fight against the ocean, or you can embrace it. It’s up to you, floating cork. Pick a good one. 



PS I offer a 1 on 1 coaching program called “90 Days to Calm” where I guide you through a simple process to take your life from chaos to calm. The example above is from the “edit” part of the process, where I teach you to change your thoughts, even for things beyond your control. If you’re interested in learning more, set up a time with me. I’ll coach you and tell you more about the program to see if we are a good fit.

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