Should a 7 Year Old Drive a Bus?

“A belief is just a thought you keep thinking” - Abraham Hicks

As humans, we take a thought, which we may get from our parents, a friend, our spouse, or our own mind, and we think it. If we think it over and over, both consciously and subconsciously, it eventually becomes a belief.

A belief is something like:

“I’m smart, I can do anything I want”

“Working hard is the most important thing you can do. Rest is for the lazy”

“Other people’s feelings should always come before mine”

“My children are my number one priority”

“I’m embarrassed of my body and should hide it”

“My job is to make everyone happy”

“It’s hard to make money”

“My husband will always let me down when I really need him”

“People always take advantage of me”

“It’s better if I’m in control of everything”

Imagine that all of your beliefs are in a notebook, and that you have written them down over time. The notebook is the one and only guide for every decision you make.

notebook of beliefs.png

Imagine that at age 7, you took a sharpie and wrote down a few that you picked up from watching your parents:

“Rest is for the lazy”

“It’s really hard to make money”

“My job is to make everyone happy”

Then you reach age 14 and based on feedback from your teachers and peers you get out the sharpie again and add:

“I’m smart and can do anything I want”

“My body is shameful so I need to hide it”

And so on and so forth right up until the current day. Now pretend every decision you make is straight from your own rule book of beliefs (because it is).

Imagine that the reason you can’t relax today is because of a rule you wrote in permanent ink AT AGE 7. And the fact you won’t wear a swimsuit at the pool, from a belief you jotted down in eighth grade.

You are letting your inner 7 year old drive the bus, so to speak. Very likely, without even knowing it.


The good news is, this is your bus. Your rule book. Your beliefs. You can get ideas for what to include from your 7 year old self, or your parents, or your favorite boss. But YOU get to decide what to put in the book. You can open that book right now, and scratch out any of those beliefs that aren’t serving you. You can practice thinking a brand new thought, over and over, until it becomes a new belief. You can work from a rule book that is in line with the kind of life you want to create.

This is exactly what we do in my “90 Days to Calm” program. We look at your beliefs. You decide which ones you’d like to keep. Those that make your life crazy, like “other people’s feelings always come before mine” and “rest is for the lazy” will get scratched out.

We may even tear out and throw away the page.

I’ll guide you through creating new beliefs. We’ll put those into practice. Your life will begin to shift in a way that feels amazing, because you are choosing every single belief that’s guiding you.

I want to work with women who are ready to make that shift. If you think you’re ready to make your life calm and intentional, set up an hour with me to find out more about my 1 on 1 coaching program. I can’t wait to help you.

Michelle Gauthier