Mom Report Card

I recently received my kids’ report cards for distance learning. I realized that we Moms need report cards too. Since I wasn’t able to see exactly what you were doing, you’ll have to score your own to get your results. 


Give yourself 1 point for each item you’ve completed since March. 

1. Talked yourself or a friend off the ledge of a nervous breakdown.  

2. Rescheduled whatever spring break plans you might have had.

3. Ditto, except summer plans. 

4. Learned to be an expert on zoom (except for the full mastery of the mute button – sooo  embarrassing when the whole class hears you yell at your kids). 

5. Continued to work but moved your whole operation home. 

6. Continued to work at work because you have an essential job (thank you!). 

7. Continued to stay home but suddenly also became a teacher. 

8. Made 7,956 meals when it wasn’t possible to go anywhere. 

9. Came up with 4,875 fun ideas at home when leaving home wasn’t an option. 

10. Took a shower. Add a bonus point if you put on jeans at any point in the past 4 months. 

11. Explained to your kids how the virus is serious. Calmed their minds when they were worried. Calmed your mind at walking the line between those two. 

12. Cautiously left the house when things were “back open” and explained to your family what you’d all be doing, and why. 

13. Did anything for yourself at all. Of any kind. 


Moms!! This has not been an easy time. We have been doing some serious, serious heavy lifting. Managing our own thoughts about all of this is enough, but when we have to lead and explain this to our families, whew! 



1-5 points: A+ work. That was hard. You did it. You’re amazing. 

6-10 points: A+ work. You rocked it. Way to stay the course. 

11-14 points (bonus point for jeans makes 14 possible, ok?): A+ work. You are the mom of all moms. A shining star. 



Congratulations, one and all on your A+ rating. I’m proud of you. Now take the day off.