Remember when waking up was fun?

When my brother and I were little, we would get up super early on Saturday mornings to watch cartoons. Whoever woke up first would quietly wake the other one, and we’d make our way to the chilly finished basement. We’d grab a blanket to share and flip on the TV. We never wanted to wake our parents for fear they’d tell us we’d had enough TV and ruin our fun. 

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Remember when waking up was fun? When you were giddy to be up before everyone else, because then you could do whatever you wanted? 

Now picture yourself this morning. When you first opened your eyes, what were your thoughts?  

“I didn’t get enough sleep” or  “Ugh I have so much to do, I better hurry up” or maybe even “I should grab my phone and see what everyone else is thinking today”?

At some point, we make the subtle shift from "Yay! I'm awake!" to waking with worry and overwhelm.  

If you want to get back to that excited-kid morning feeling, try this. Wake up before everyone else on purpose. Use this free “Fresh Start Morning” worksheet I created to intentionally choose your mindset for the day.

You will focus on gratitude, connect with your breath, and create a mantra for the day. You’ll visualize a calm and peaceful version of your day.

You will finish feeling refreshed and calm, with an intentional plan for the day.

Your time investment? 10 minutes. That's how long it takes to complete the worksheet.

I challenge you to try it for 7 days and see how much better your mornings (and days!) feel.