Good News! You can solve any problem

This time last year, I was LIVING. IT. UP. 

I was in France with my best friend in the whole world (my sis) watching the best team in the whole world (US Women’s Soccer) win the most important game in the world (The World Cup, obviously).  My new-ish business was doing great. My kids were happy. Life was good. 

mimi nat world cup.JPG

Since then, a few things have happened. I’ve learned how to do oh-so-many things I’d never done before. Such as: 

🌟 Living during a global pandemic, including learning a whole new vocabulary (I hadn’t heard the word “quarantine” since my days of watching Little House on the Prairie!) 

🌟Managing my children’s schooling at home while also running a business 

🌟Dating for the first time since age 25

🌟Considering a mask as part of my accessory choices for an outfit  

🌟Helping my kids work through the disappointment of cancellations of all kinds - time with friends, summer camp, school 

🌟Learning to parent a teenager (is taking their phone away always worse on the parent? Please advise)

🌟Adjusting to church at home 

🌟Co-parenting in a pandemic with an out-of-town co-parent, who works in healthcare.  

🌟Figuring out my own views on when it was ok to go places, and when we need to stay home. 

🌟Investigating my white privilege and figuring out how to take action instead of just thinking “it’s so terrible that this keeps happening” 

🌟Coaching clients about all of the above 

Whew. It’s been a busy year. 

And yet, what I think we can ALL take from our own version of the list above is this: 

We can figure out any problem. 

The answer usually doesn’t come to us immediately. We don’t always take the “right” steps. But, if you believe that you can figure out any problem (and you can!), you just have to start by taking the first small step. It might not be the perfect step, in fact you might make a mistake and have a super awkward first date. But you’ll learn something that will help you take the next step, like for example cancelling your Tinder account. Before you know it, you’ll know how to rock dating at age 46. ;) 

You can figure out any problem. I promise. 

PS If you need helping figuring out how to figure out your next step, I’m your woman! Set up a time with me to chat about 1 on 1 coaching.

Michelle Gauthier