Your Life as a Book

I like to do things right.

I bet you do too.

When I make a mistake, I can really beat myself up. Something small like forgetting my keys is bad enough, but when it’s something big like hurting someone, forget it. I’ll replay it over and over in my head and think of all of the ways I wish I’d handled it differently. 


Do you feel “stuck” on something from your past? Either a mistake you made, or something bad that happened to you? 

Try this. Imagine that your life is a book. Each day, a new page is added with what happens today. 

Sometimes, it’s fun to flip back to old chapters and read a page from the past - like the one where you met your first love, became a mom, learned to ride a bike, or laughed so hard you cried with your college friends. 

Sometimes, it’s hard to look back. Re-reading the story of losing someone you loved, a mistake you made, or being hurt by someone can make the pain feel new again. 

The good news is, you get to flip the pages. You can choose to stop reading that old chapter. You can let it go, if you want to.


PS If you’ve tried to stop re-reading an old chapter, but it's not working, I can help you. I’m an expert at helping you change your thoughts. Set up a time with me to find out more about 1 on 1 coaching.