From a "dark place" to rock solid and confident


My client Jocelyn has worked at some of the biggest name companies in the world. She’s had a very successful career in terms of money and prestige, but it doesn’t fuel her true passion. 

When we first met, Jocelyn was suffering from depression, working a demanding job AND running her own new business. The financial pressure she felt as the family breadwinner and the isolation of COVID was taking its toll on her. 

Part 1: Pause & Understand the Problem  

Jocelyn was overwhelmed and exhausted. She was basically working 2 full time jobs. She would wake up thinking “I’m already tired” and confided in me “I’m in a very dark place.” 

She wanted to quit her corporate job but didn't believe that her new business could make enough to support her family. 

For Jocelyn (and most of my other clients, who tend to be overachievers, too!), the answer to feeling overwhelmed was always doing MORE, which kept her in a vicious cycle of doing too much, and then feeling exhausted. 

A consistent thought Jocelyn had was “There’s not enough time.” 

Part 2: Change thoughts & take action  

When I asked Jocelyn to give me a list of what she expected from herself, she included:  being fit, eating healthy, being a great partner, feeling sexy, being a thoughtful friend, being good daughter, earning one million dollars, and exceeding all business goals - all while being happy and never being tired or burned out. 

No wonder Jocelyn was exhausted all of the time! 

No matter how many of those she actually met, it never felt like enough. 

Jocelyn learned to think new thoughts such as  “I’m at capacity” and “what I’m doing is enough” to remind herself that she could not take on any more.  

We also worked on celebrating successes, which were plentiful! Jocelyn bought herself flowers and allowed days where she simply watched Netflix and relaxed. 

We also worked on developing the belief that Jocelyn could have the life she dreamed of, which included working for herself in a job she loved. 

Part 3: The Results  

The biggest shift in Jocelyn’s life is the idea that life can be easy. She doesn’t need to set impossible goals for herself and work herself to death. “It can just be easy” is a mantra Jocelyn uses often. 

With her new attitude, she has:

  • Learned to work with her depression. 

  • Earned 6 figures in her new business 

  • Made a plan to quit her corporate job this quarter.  

  • Improved her relationship with her partner by accepting him as is. 

  • Learned to say no and prioritize her own needs. 

During our last session, Jocelyn said “I feel confident and rock solid in my life to a degree that I have never felt before.” 

Are YOU ready to feel rock solid and confident in your life? Stop doing more and feeling worse. I can help you change your life.  Set up a free hour with me to learn about 1 on 1 coaching with me.