My Most Embarrassing Trait

My kids think I’m embarrassing. This morning I decided to get curious about this.

Me: "So, what's the worst, most embarrassing thing I do?"


Child: "Oh my gosh, when you say 'hi.' That's the worst."

Me: "Wait, is there more?"

Child: "No, it's just the way you say hi to my friends ask them how they are and talk to their parents and stuff. It's just embarrassing!"

Me: "So if I wanted to be not embarrassing, I would just not say hi at all?"

Child: "NO! That's rude. You just need to say hi in a normal way."

Me: "What's a normal way?"

Child: "UGHHHHH Mom stop."

Friendly reminder: You can never control what someone else thinks or feels.

If I changed the way I say "Hi" to try to make my child think I'm cool, two things will likely happen:

1 My darling child will still be embarrassed

2 I'll waste a bunch of my own time thinking about this silly non-problem.

Think about how this could play out in your life. Do you say yes when you want to say no in order to make sure people don't get mad at you? They might still get mad. They might already be mad. What you say might make them even more mad, even if you didn't mean to. Or they might not get mad, no matter what you say. There are a million options, and you can't control any of them.

Don't make your decisions based on what you want other people to think or feel. Make your decisions based on what feels right to you.

PS Hi! Hiiiiiiii!! How are you? Hello! Hi!!! Do you think you might be interested in coaching with me? I'm embarrassingly friendly but a great coach. Set up a discovery session if you're sick of changing your behavior to try to please other people.

Michelle Gauthier