Calm Holidays Tip #3

Calm Holiday Tip #3: Take the time to focus on what isn’t working and understand why.

Last week, we looked at what is already working about your holiday season. If you missed that email, check out the article and answer those questions first. It’s important to understand what is working and why before we dive into what isn’t.

On to today's questions: 1. What are the worst parts about the holidays for you? Here are some I’ve heard recently:

❄ I hate spending money and effort to give gifts that no one needs ❄ I don’t have any help and end up exhausted by the end of the month ❄ My family’s traditions don’t work for us anymore ❄ Work is busy for me at the end of the year, so I’m not able to enjoy the holidays ❄ There's just too much going on, I wish I could spread it out over several months to enjoy it more ❄ I don’t want to send out holiday cards but I feel guilty if I don’t

List your top 3-5.

2. What do the “worsts” have in common? Are they things you want to say “no” to, but you don’t? Do they involve spending money, and if so why is that hard for you? Are your expectations so high that they can never be met?

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