Calm Holidays Tip #4

Today’s Tip: “Triple Edit” your to do list 

On Tuesday, we looked at what isn’t working for your holiday. Here’s a link to that article in case you missed it. 

Today we are going to focus on editing your holiday to-do list. If your brain just told you “oh my gosh! You don’t even have a written down list!” just know that’s totally fine. And maybe re-read tip 2

Here are the three edits we’re going to make to your list today. 

  1. Delete something one thing. Not because it’s done, but because you’re just not doing it. Simply drop it. For example, if you make 5 kinds of cookies and bring them to work for your team, just don’t do it this year. Don’t send holiday cards. Don’t put up outdoor lights. Just choose one item and delete it from the list. 

  2. Commit to doing B- work on an item. Not everything has to be A+ quality. Make one kind of cookie for work. Send 20 holiday cards to close friends and family instead of 200. Put a wreath on the front door and call it good. 

  3. Outsource an item. Yep, just pay someone to do it. Or ask (tell?) your kids/spouse to do it (but you can’t do back and re-do it!). Buy the cookies, pay to have your cards addressed, hire someone to hang your outdoor lights. 

I can’t wait for the replies on this one! Hit reply and let me know what your item is for 1, 2, and 3 and you’ll be entered for this week’s drawing. The prize is your choice between a pair of Ugg slippers or a cozy, fancy set of pajamas. You can wear either one when you’re not making cookies.