Listening for Gratitude

Despite its dreary grayness in the midwest, I love February. Mostly because February means Valentine’s Day, which is the best holiday. There is pink (my favorite), there is chocolate (my other favorite) and there is love (my very favorite). If you are thinking “it’s just a cheesy hallmark holiday”, that’s cool. I love it enough for both of us.  

Since I can’t send you a valentine and chocolate, I’m going to give you some love by sharing a coaching tool every week this month.  

Today’s simple tool is about gratitude.  

Why gratitude? 

Being thankful has been shown to improve sleep, confidence, overall happiness and physical health. It’s also easy to do and only takes a few minutes of your time. So, why not? 

 What’s the tool? 

Today’s simple tool is called Hearing Gratitude  

Lay it on me, what do I do? 

Sit still and take a few deep breaths. Focus your attention on your ears, and what you’re hearing. Tune into the sounds around you and have gratitude for what you hear.  

Give me an example

I’m currently sitting in my office typing this. When I focus on what I hear, my list includes:  

🏼 My own typing. I’m so glad I have this skill. I'm grateful for computers. So glad I can work from home. Thankful I have a business that is all mine, that I love.  

🏼 My dog lightly snoring. I’m so grateful for this crazy dog. She is our family therapy dog. She makes me laugh. She thinks everyone is trying to murder me and acts accordingly.  

🏼 The heat coming through the vent. I’m grateful for my warm house. Thankful that it has kept us safe all year. Love that it is full of color and a reflection of my family.  

🏼 My Dad’s voice. Grateful my dad and mom (who is a quiet talker, so I can’t hear her, but who else could my dad be talking to?) are working on a project in my basement because they are the best parents ever. So grateful for their health. So grateful they live close by. Thankful that my dad picks my kids up from school.  

🏼 Silence. I’m glad I can work somewhere that is quiet and peaceful.  

Give it a try, and see what kind of thankfulness you hear all around you. 

PS Finding gratitude is one key to having a calm, intentional life. Set up a time with me if you want to know more about 1 on 1 coaching. 

Michelle Gauthier