How to Decide

My client was in a relationship with a man who wasn’t always nice to her. Sometimes he was, sometimes he wasn’t. She never really knew what to expect. 


She couldn’t decide what to do. 


Another client was trying to decide if she should quit her job. It paid well, she liked it ok, and she was friends with her boss. She didn’t want to leave her team without a leader. 


She couldn’t decide what to do. 


A third client was unhappy with her children’s behavior. She didn’t want to be too mean, but she didn’t want to be walked all over, either. 


She couldn’t decide what to do. 


When you find yourself in a situation like these, ask yourself this magic question: 


“What would a woman who respects herself do in this situation?” 


The answer will be clear, and will be made from the perspective of a woman who respects herself. Sidenote: even if right now you don’t feel like you love and respect yourself, you can still use this. It will help your brain start thinking from the place of respect and love instead of where you are, now.  

PS It turns out that the woman who respects herself breaks up the guy, leaves her job, and sets up some pretty solid boundaries with her kids. If you need help with any or all of the above, set up a time with me to talk about coaching.

Michelle Gauthier