Super Mom Saves Her Own day

Last week, my 13 year old made a snide comment at dinner about my cooking. He looked over at me expecting me to laugh, and looked horrified when he saw tears welling in my eyes. “No, mom! Are you about to cry? I was just teasing! You’re the best. Please stop. I’m so sorry!” But I couldn’t stop. It was the straw that broke this camel’s back at the end of a long week. I cried all the way through kitchen clean up. 

Like any self-respecting Life Coach would do, I picked up my journal to find out what those tears were all about. As I wrote, I realized that I was looking for my kids to validate me. 

Ha!! KIDS DON’T DO THAT! I mean, we all get the occasional “Thanks Mom, you’re the best!” but we simply cannot count on children to validate our love, dedication, and general awesomeness. We have to do that for ourselves. 

The same goes for bosses, employees, spouses, friends, and every other person on the planet. 

If you wait for your boss to tell you that you’re doing an amazing job, you might be waiting forever. You have to tell yourself. 

If you walk into work thinking, “I wish my employees could see how hard I’m working to make their jobs easier” just change that thought to “I’m proud of myself for working hard to make my employees’ jobs easier.” 

Want your hubby to tell you he’s proud of your accomplishments? Nope. Tell YOURSELF. Write yourself a note. Tell yourself everything you’d want him to say, but say it to yourself. 

As for me, I reviewed all of the things I’d done that week for my kids and I was damn impressed with myself. I bought myself this mug to prove it. I’m a Super Mom. Just ask me. 


PS My clients often think this idea of self-validation sounds crazy, but once they do it, they are amazed that it WORKS! I’m a pro at teaching this. Set up a discovery session with me to learn more. 

ALSO! I’m sorry, Michael Scott, for laughing at you for buying your own “World’s Best Boss” mug. You were so ahead of your time and I hadn’t learned the wisdom of self validation yet. You’re right. 

ALSO! I’m sorry, Michael Scott, for laughing at you for buying your own “World’s Best Boss” mug. You were so ahead of your time and I hadn’t learned the wisdom of self validation yet. You’re right. 


Michelle Gauthier