If an iPhone had a life coach

Let’s say your iPhone is working, but not as well as it used to. You can’t say exactly what’s wrong, but it’s something. The battery runs out faster than it used to. The alarm still goes off, but it’s an annoying song your child picked. The camera freezes up when you try to use it. 


It’s annoying, but you manage. Sometimes you take a minute to try to fix it, but can’t seem to focus long enough to get to the bottom of it. It feels too hard, so you just go on, using the semi-working iPhone and swearing every time it doesn’t work. 


Enter life coaching . . . 


You’ve had enough. You make the time and commit to get the phone fixed. 


Together, we tackle the iPhone’s troubles. I’m great at knowing what to look for, and you’re great at spotting the problems. 


We discover: 


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  • The phone is using default settings, sometimes from as far back as your childhood.

  • The storage is so full that you can’t add one more thing. (Ironically, you no longer want most of the things that take up a lot of space.)

  • The calendar is so packed that you can’t even tell when you should be doing what. Most of the appointments are things other people put on your calendar.

  • You have 7 apps that are using most of the memory, added by your kids without your knowledge.

  • The battery is exhausted from the strain of too much stuff + old default settings

We take action: 


  • We discuss and choose new settings that fit your life now

  • We remove apps you don’t want and didn’t use

  • We review and save all of the photos and appointments you want - and delete the rest

  • We make a plan to charge the phone for 8 hours every night

  • We learn to love the phone, as is, and speak kindly to it


Same phone, totally new experience.


Which version would you rather have? 


I’m an expert at helping you tune up your life. Set up a free discovery call with me to learn more. 

PS We'd probably get a cute new case too, just for fun. Maybe some sparkles or rainbows?

Michelle Gauthier