Get your ship together

If you're reading this, the chances are good that you're the captain of your family's "ship". You're in charge of all of all of it - from your own career right down to remembering the flea and tick medicine for the dog. You know all of the schedules, manage the piles of laundry, and remember to buy that last day of school teacher gift (even if it's on the way to school on that last day). Your job is to make the ship run smoothly, which is a tough gig.


On a good day, your ship sails pretty smoothly. But on a bad day (or week, or month), it can be pretty rocky. It might even feel like you're all about to sink.


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When you feel overwhelmed, it's because your ship is too heavy. There's too much on it. It's hard to steer, it's taking on water, and the passengers are anxious.


You need to start tossing things overboard to rebalance. 


If you had to throw something off your ship right now, what would be? Can you remove one activity, situation or interaction from your week? Better yet, say "no" to something today so that it never gets on your ship to begin with.


If you feel like you're sinking more than sailing, reach out to me. I'm an expert at helping my clients create boundaries and say no, so that they can run a relaxed and happy ship. I offer a free, one hour, no pressure discovery call where I can learn about you, and you can learn about coaching. Book it here

Michelle Gauthier